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On 02/25/07 20:21, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Ron Johnson wrote:
>     All of this came *after* I went to a religious private school.  So please,
> spare me the whole "don't talk about what you don't know" argument.  I've been
> on the inside.  I know exactly what's said and what is followed, thanks.

Which demonstrates that most religious schools are piss poor at
teaching their religion, and most preachers and religious people
don't know squat about the religion they supposedly believe in.

>     Besides, you haven't even touched the basis of my larger argument.  It
> doesn't matter what Christians believe or how they interpret the Bible.  The
> fact that they interpret it at all is the problem.  If this is God's law,
> God's word and it is infallible then what right do they, as mere men, have to
> pick and choose which portions they wish to follow and which they wish to
> disregard.

Because some laws have been "fulfilled", and are therefore "off the
books" (that's the wrong phrase, but I can't now think of a better one).

The blood sacrifice, for example.  In Christian doctrine, animal
blood sacrifices were temporary, imperfect *covering* of sin.  Then
God sent Jesus, who's blood sacrifice was the permanent, perfect
*washing away* of Sin.

Stoning homosexuals is another example.  You can't love someone and
stone them at the same time.

>> Both are *wrong*.  Doesn't matter whether one is simpler than the other.
>      And you're using as your litmus test the law of conservation?  You do
> realize that both options violate that law?
>     Something just existing, as you rightly pointed out, violates the law of
> conservation.  By the same token something coming from nothing violates the
> same law.  So why do you say one is wrong when the other option is just as
> wrong by the same test?

Did I say that one is wrong and the other correct?


I said that *both* are wrong.

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