Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> I don't get the question.  God decides what is and is not his word.
> Lots of people have claimed to write in the name of God.

    Ah, but that's the rub, who's deciding what is the real article and what
isn't?  God's not chiming in.  You do realize that exactly which gospels that
would go on to comprise the modern Bible were hotly debated centuries after
the supposed events took place.  Debated by men, not God.  There are many more
which are not included.  So, why are you not asking what is in those Gospels
and why men, not God, decided they should not be distributed in the definitive
collection of Jesus' life?

> In what way?  If you get a comp sci text book, you can reasonably asume
> that if something is not in it, the *author* did not think it was
> particularly important to the topic at hand.

    When I find contradictions like I do in the Bible you bet I would call
into question the author's veracity as well as his drinking habits.  You'll
pardon me if I hold God to the same moderate standard I hold fellow man being
that he's supposedly superior to us all.

> That word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.

    No, it means exactly what I think it means.

1 : to hide under a false appearance
2 : to put on the appearance of : SIMULATE
intransitive verb : to put on a false appearance : conceal facts, intentions,
or feelings under some pretense

> You obviously don't understand.  Explaining it further obviously won't
> help either.  Suffice it to say that the *point* is to love God above
> all else.

    Yeah, I get that's what you think it means but my *point* is that you
question the actions portrayed there.  For example, wouldn't the sacrifice of
Lot's daughters better come from, I dunno.... his daughters?  And it isn't
like Lot was protecting God himself here.  Nope, just a pair of angels.  So he
wasn't putting God above his family, he was just throwing out lambs to the

> As I and others have explained, that no longer applies.

    And as I pointed out in the very first message it does, in Jesus' own
words, that every OT law applies as much now as it did then.  Now, the *men*
of your particular branch might hem and haw and found a nice, neat way to
dodge that issue but we're not talking what they have interpreted for you.  As
you said, if it is in the Bible *you* believe *it*.

    But... it is what men have put together... and translated several times
over the millennium...  So my question to you is this.  How exactly do you
know the will of God.  Help me out here, what's the exact chapter and verse
where you're told you don't know the will of God again?

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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