On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 11:51:58AM -0500, Michael Pobega wrote:
> Keep in mind:
> apt-get -t testing php5 libapache2-mod-php5
> Is a lot safer than:
> apt-get install php5/testing libapache2-mod-php5/testing.
Please don't do this on Woody!  It will almost certainly pull in new
versions of perl and libc6 which *will* completely hose your system.

Instead, checkout how to backport your own packages:


However, on Woody, you might need to adjust some of the dependencies in 
the control file.  If you run into this problem, post here again and we 
can help.

If you don't want to go to that trouble, I would recommend installing
apache and php from source under /usr/local/apache2 so that everything
is self-contained and not messing with your Debian stuff.  Of course, if
you go that route, it is possible you might need to create some dummy
packages with equivs, depending on what other packages you have
installed that depend on php and/or apache.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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