On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 05:38:49PM -0500, Greg Folkert wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 16:22 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Bio-fuels *are* a great idea.
> > 
> > Until you realize *how much* gasoline & diesel this country uses
> > (then add 3x more to that for the rest of the world), and the fact
> > that stuff like corn ethanol needs lots of (*petrolem* based)
> > fertilizer.
> > 
> > (However, sugar cane ethanol in Brazil is a *great* idea, because of
> > cane's higher sugar density, Brazil's proximity to the equator and
> > lower population).
> Based on things I have researched and processing systems I have seen and
> actually went through the motions of getting the nitty-gritty on.
> Algae based Bio-Diesel. 110,000 square miles of "useless desert" flooded
> with salt water and seeded with a certain algae... would supply enough
> Biofuel for all vehicles (provided all current vehicles were converted
> to diesel) in the US with about a 25% energy return on energy used to
> process it and transport to filling centers.

there is an algae that supposedly has something like 80% "oil" content
as that is what makes it float. is this the same stuff? 


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