On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 01:38:02PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Nigel Henry wrote:
> > Perhaps I should just unsubscribe from the debian, and fedora lists. There
> > seems to be less of this sort of crap on forums. At least they are
> > moderated.
> But you don't get the expertise.  Forums tend to attract the new users who
> don't have the long term experience as experienced users are often offput
> by the reliability and usability issues presented from brain damaged web
> forum design.

I agree. Forums seem to be, because of their moderation and readily
obvious search capabilities, a good resource for total newbs (though
I've seen some flamage on forums too..). But the help, and usability
is severly limited. I've just naturally migrated away from all the
forums I've used in the past. Some I wish would be availbale on email,
but so it is. Email combined with an excellent MUA is vastly more
usable, after the learning curve, than a forum. 

.02 of AOL


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