On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 05:29:22PM +0200, Nick Demou wrote:
> courier-IMAP was easy to install and setup
> works fine with many users accessing the same maildir about 20
> maildirs in a low spec server. Hundreds of folders per maildir with
> some of them having up to 30000 emails
> With outlook express I have some problems now and then that get fixed
> by doing a "clear local cache" on OE. Only once had a problem with
> thunderbird (started constantly complaining that it could not save the
> email it just sent to the INBOX folder while at the same time it HAD
> saved it). Worked around this annoyance and didn't try to fix it
The main gotcha with Courier, is that by default it only allows 4
connections per IP, but T-bird tries to make 5.  You can fix that in
either place (probably the server if you have lots of users).



Roberto C. Sanchez

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