On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 05:46:15PM -0600, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> > It turns out that when you add the mass of the matter in the universe
> > to the gravitational potential energy (which happens to be negative),
> > that the sum of the two is "suspiciously close to zero" (to quota a
> > famous physicist whose name I can't remember).
> Hmm, the universe as one of a pair of virtual particles on the event
> horizon of a /whale/ of a black hole...
> That has possibilities.  I started to type, "real possibilities," but
> what does that /mean/ in this context?

I was thinking that too, but didn't have the guts. How about the
universe as one particle of the two created in vacuum... can't
remember what the term is but a particle and anti-particle randomly
appearing and then anniahilating each other shortly thereafter. what
is that called? null-point energy?


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