Mark Grieveson wrote:
Hi all

My wife has run into a problem using iceweasel to access a site like - none of the cards are playing a sound. She is using KDE. When she's tried using konqueror it simply borks and displays a dialog box asking whether she wants to use gxine to load the swf file. Clicking cancel crashes konqueror.

It is likely to be local to this site, but just wanted to check in with anyone else's experiences or ideas on this.



The site works for me.  I'm using Epiphany, on Etch, with flashplugin-nonfree  Perhaps you're using flashplayer version 7, and maybe that's the 
problem.  Try moving on up to version nine, and I imagine the site will work 


Thanks for the help - have fixed it. It was a combo of not having the latest flash plugin (now fixed with flashplugin-nonfree) and adjusting the /etc/iceweasel/iceweaselrc file as was suggested with reference to Mozilla.

Now fixed, except for when the site requires something proprietary.


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