Greg Folkert wrote:
On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 16:33 -0800, Freddy Freeloader wrote:
Greg Folkert wrote:
On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 10:16 -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

On 03/01/07 19:25, Paul Johnson wrote:
Steve Lamb wrote:
Mitja Podreka wrote:
Who's rich enough to afford to waste gas driving faster than 60 MPH, much
less more on a regular basis?  Fuel economy on most vehicles takes a
massive nosedive after 60MPH due to wind drag.
It's a time-money problem.  People would rather spend the extra
money to get there faster.

Saving only 5 or 10 minutes on a 90 mile trip?  Irrelevant.
True, but it still doesn't work out rationally:  Unless you make a lot of
money or gas is unbelievably cheap, that few minutes saved will cost you
more wage-hours than it's worth...
Unless you lose you job being late and you don't want to leave any
earlier. Its a choice.
First, my mileage doesn't go down until I consistently cross the 80 mph barrier. Second, on my 125 mile commute to work, one way, the time saved at 10-15 mph faster than 60 is considerable. It's the difference between spending 12+ hours a day away from the house, to spending between 11 and 11 1/2 hours away from the house. Over the course of a work week that's a lot of time saved.

Also, I have a buddy that lives in southern Oregon and it's a 560 mile drive to his house. It takes him more than 12 hours to make the drive. I make the drive in around 9 hours. That's a huge difference in how tired a person is by the time they finish the trip. Is the 1 or 2 mpg I lose by driving faster than he does worth it? You bet. I am still getting 35 mpg so how much can I be losing? I get about exactly the same mileage if I drive at 60 - 65 only I'm far less tired after driving for 9 hours than I am driving for 12 hours which means I am far more alert and thus a much safer driver.

Piece of info for you, very rarely does my highway speed go under 85.

I've been stopped by Police in my 1969 442, more than once. Asking me to
get out of the car and search the trunk, the engine compartment and
glove compartment... and so on. Only to be given a warning for drive 100

Last time, the one officer had a digital camera and asked if he could
take pictures.

I've also been pulled over with my Lancer for going 75MPH in a 70MPH
zone, and given a ticket.

But, yes, I also drive faster than posted.

LOL.  Yeah, I've gotten off what would have been some very expensive
tickets too.  The only reason I could ever think of was because of the
cars I was driving at the time piqued the cops interest.
I once got pulled over for doing about 90 in town and having a huge blue
cloud of tire smoke behind me in my 69 ElCamino.  I was honest, didn't
lie, but the cop really liked my car and he gave me a verbal warning.
That was about 30 years ago though.  I also got off on a speeding ticket
in my Subaru SVX.  The cop looked the car over really carefully, asked
me if I knew how fast I was going, and I told him, "Not until I saw you.
I really don't have any sense of speed in this car until I hit 100."  He
laughed and said, "I believe it."  He gave me a verbal warning for close
to 70 in a 45 mph zone on a two lane country road.
Other times I've been pulled over for 3 miles an hour over. The car a
person drives and the attitude towards the cop makes a lot of difference
between warnings and tickets, at least in my experience.

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