On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 12:30:23PM -0800, Peter Farley wrote:
> "Bleeding edge technology"?!?!  I bought the Dell 8400
> as-is and used (from the Dell bargain area) over two
> years ago.  "Bleeding edge" it ain't.
As Andrew pointed out, Etch is going to release anytime now and has been
in freeze for a few months.  Calling it bleeding edge is not correct.

> C'mon, a simple old system like a Dell 8400 should be
> long-since supported by stable code, even among the
> volunteer community.
Well, the 2.6.8 kernel (shipped with Sarge) was released on 14 August
2004.  At *that* time, the machine was bleeding edge compared to the
kernel support for SATA.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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