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On 03/04/07 05:07, Ken Heard wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:

Testing your assertion now.

Ok, I created the "03/03/07 07:39" email, and then did:
    File->"Send Later"

Icedove put the email in "Local Folders".Unsent, because there *is
no* Unsent folder in the "regular" (happens to be an IMAP account).

Yes, but for POP accounts -- at least mine -- there *is* an "Unsent
Messages", hence my confusion.

That *is* odd.

File->"Send Unsent Messages" successfully sent the message *and* put
the message in the "regular" Sent folder.

I also tested it after receiving your message.  I found that messages in
the "Unsent" folder in "Local Folders" did get sent on going on line
after answering positively when questioned whether I wanted such
messages sent.  Once sent, they were put in my POP account "Sent" folder.

Well that's good.

My opinion is that this is how Icedove was designed, and they
probably won't change it.

On you first point I wonder whether this design was deliberate.  Why
have a different procedure for different account types?

Tbird isn't well engineered?

I would call this "feature" a bug.  But it should be referred to
Mozilla, I suppose.  Are the "debranded" versions of Firefox,
Thunderbird and SeaMonkey (the "Ices") available for all Linux
distributions or are they unique to Debian?

The Ice* apps are Debian-only, but I understand that they track
closely to upstream.

As far as auto-sending email when you return from off-line, *that*
sounds like valid enhancement request (that should go thru Mozilla,
not Debian).

I think auto-sending is already possible, but I haven't checked.

            Ken Heard

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