On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 02:29:16PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Zoho Vignochi wrote:
> > Also if I maximize a window, the edge of that window disappears a little
> > as well. The amount is very small and so does not affect the working of
> > the scrollbar but is still noticeable. Is this normal?
>     I believe so, yes.  A normal mouse pointer points up and left.  The
> hotspot, the portion of the icon which is where your clicks land, is all that
> the GUI worries about.  It is on the upper left side.  Since the borders stop
> the mouse at the hot spot if you move your mouse to the upper or left sides of
> the screen the hotspot gets there first so the rest of the graphic is still on
> the screen.  On the bottom and right sides the hotspot is the last to hit the
> edge so the graphic scrolls off.
>     I think the same goes for when you maximise windows but for slightly
> different reasons.  What is off the edge of the screen is the graphical edge
> of the window.  It's just a few pixels.  However since you're maximizing the
> workspace inside that border and the border is pretty much meaningless when it
> doesn't have to show you were the window ends (maximized, only one window to
> show in the first place) it is pushed off the edge of the screen to give you
> the maximum amount of space for the workspace of the window.
>     Make sense?

I tend to agree with you except, I think what the OP is referring to
might be a monitor that might not be adjusted properly. I've seen this
several times with monitors that have looked fine in windows may be
off center it mis-sized in debian. usually a few minutes tweaking the
monitor itself fixes it right up. 



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