On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 10:47:40AM -0500, cga2000 wrote:
> > I was also surprised that bash can do this. I played around with it a
> > bit and found that my bash can do the "*xx*<tab>" completion only if I
> > do not source /etc/bash_completion. I have to choose between having the
> > "*xx*<tab>" completion behavior and having the handy features offered by
> > /etc/bash_completion. I use bash 3.1dfsg-8 on a Sid system. 
> > 
> > Can anybody confirm this? Is this a bug or a consequence of the way
> > /etc/bash_completion works? (I would expect that bash_completion is
> > supposed to add features without removing existing ones.)

I wrote in an other email :
> > I may have missed something ; I am running Sid.
> > Enabling bash completion, it does not work. However, without bash
> > completion it does work ! Where is the trick ?

Well, so I am not crazy. That is good :p! I had the same behaviour on
Sid (bash : 3.1dfsg-8) and Etch (bash 3.1dfsg-8).

> Maybe the "problem" is caused by the use of <TAB> for two different
> mechanisms:
> 1. "completion" .. you type the first 0-n characters of an entity, hit
>    <TAB> and bash will complete what you typed if only one match is
>    found and beep otherwise.  In the latter case you can issue a second
>    <TAB> and bash will display the list of matches.  This feature is
>    programmable - ie. you can define completion rules to filter
>    out entities that do not make sense in a given context.
> 2. "pathname expansion": you use special characters and .. optionally
>    literals to build a pattern, hit <TAB> and bash expands your pattern
>    into a list of matching entities.  
> Since pathname expansion returns a list of fully-named entities it seems
> that a different filtering mechanism than programmable completion would
> be needed: something that lets you filter out fully-named entities that
> do not make sense in a given context -- rather than what programmable
> completion offers: conditionally completing your input according to the
> rules specified in /etc/bash_completion.
> Kinda hard to explain but it doesn't strike me as a bug -- functional
> or otherwise.

Franck Joncourt
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