On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 02:34:08AM +0100, pinniped wrote:
> huh?
> I really don't know what the hell you're talking about.  I've been leaving 
> the subject blank lately because people bitch about it for no apparent 
> reason.  But if you really don't want the subject changing, why don't you 
> ask Intnsred if he can set things so that the subject isn't changed?  A 
> blank 'subject' line with a flashing cursor is just begging people to put 
> something in.

What mail client are you using? Most mail clients automatically write
"Re: Topic Name" to the subject field.

Actually, not changing the subject worked perfectly for this reply.

And nobody was "bitching about it for no apparent reason". If you're
going to join a mailing list you should conform to the standards, I
bet 50% of the people you replied to never saw your reply because of
how you changed the subject.

Most MUAs /don't/ do threading (For example, AFAIK Icedove/Tbird
doesn't do threading), and those that do are the only ones able to see
your replies from the right context.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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