I have two internal cdrom drives, hdc, and hdd. Hdc is a DVD drive, Hdd is a CDRW drive. If I put a data cd in both drives, here's what happens:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /dev/hdc   < it mounts OK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ eject /dev/hdc   < eject returns an error
eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ mount /dev/hdd   < it mounts OK
mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only  <this is OK
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ eject /dev/hdd   < it ejects the cd just like it's supposed to

Mounting and ejecting Hdd works fine. Eject on Hdc gives me the "Invalid argument" message.

Here's my fstab entries:

/dev/hdc /cdrom iso9660 ro,users,noauto 0 0

/dev/hdd /mnt/plextor iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

Any ideas?

BTW - setting /usr/bin/eject to SUID root didn't help.

TIA, Jerry

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