Paul Johnson wrote:
> We had 1% unemployment in the clinton years.  It's several times that now.

    Nice lie, Paul.  1%?  Where?

    The lowest Clinton had was 4%.  In fact Bush is getting beat up over
unemployment figures and an economy that Clinton ran, and got reelected on, in
1996!  Explain why when a Democrat is in office those figures are good,
exceptional even, but when a Republican is in office they are not just bad,
they're horrible /and getting worse/?  I hate to use the B word but it sure
looks like it.

> State of Oregon Department of Employment.

    Not clear on the separation between Federal and State governments, are
you?  Also unclear on the fact that your state supposedly has crappy
unemployment while other states which do not enact those policies don't.
Might there be a relation there?

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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