Le dimanche 11 mars 2007 19:59, Paul E Condon a écrit :
> I want to set up charsets on my Etch system to have some reasonable
> compromise between 'modern' and 'works for me'. I have, from time to
> time, attempted to copy advice offered on email lists with mixed
> results. I want to try again because recovering from my last failure
> left my computer in a state where man pages and emails, read in mutt,
> contain strings like '—' . Based on past experience, I pretty
> sure that I can make these disappear, but in the process some other,
> undesireable artifacts with arise.
> Where is there an up-to-date tutorial for controlling and fixing
> charset stuff?
> Details of my situation:
> mutt for email
> emacs and vim for editing
> iceweasel
> gnome-terminal
> gnome desktop, but really only to run gnome-terminal
> Once upon a time my system was pure Etch. Now it is Etch with garbage
> left over from failed attempts to solve this issue. I think I need
> help particularly with clearing out this garbage.  Suggestions?

you may start here:


and also:

man charsets
man locale-gen
man consolechars
man loadkeys
see the file /etc/console-tools/config

Cédric Lucantis

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