On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 11:01:14PM +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
> ...
> My fix on FC2 was to add a few lines in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, as below.

I had thought about doing something like that, but was not sure at
what point in the boot process the incorrect driver was being loaded,
and when anything added to /etc/rc* would get executed.  Loading
the correct driver from /etc/modules after the wrong one was
automatically loaded caused an infinite loop of retries due to
the "device busy" condition.  It was not possible to kill/unload either
driver then and any text console was unusable due to continously
spewing error messages.  Only a reboot would stop this nonsense.
I didn't want the possibility of a locked system, even though of
course I could go back to kernel 2.6.16 and undo the damage.

In any case, thanks for sharing your experiance and fix.  I'm saving
it for possible future need.  As it is right now, thanks to the
other poster (Andrei) whose reply got to me earlier, I re-compiled
the kernel without the offending drivers and that solved the issue.



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