Tarek Soliman wrote:
I have a laptop with only VGA output (not s-video output), so in order to connect my laptop to the LCD-TV I made a VGA to TV converter (VGA to TV <http://www.tkk.fi/Misc/Electronics/circuits/vga2tv/cindex.html>). My laptop have resolution of 1024x768, my external LCD monitor have also resolution of 1024x768 and my VGA to TV converter have resolution of 600x480. My wish is sometimes use the VGA output for the LCD screen and sometime for the LCD-TV.

I have some doubt about the xorg.conf file:
1: I must define two Screens and put both in Server Layout section? And then, the X server will identify alone which screen is connected ?

In xorg.conf make 2 server layouts. One of the layouts uses the Monitor
and the other uses the TV. This means each layout is using one screen

Then instead of the regular startx, you can use
startx -- -layout whateveryoucalledit

This is not very helpful, but it is a step.

And if I start the X (using startx) without given any layout, which Screen will be used ??

Thank you,

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