On (15/03/07 22:10), Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2007 at 08:49:28PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > On 03/15/07 19:18, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > > 
> > > ..thru Cheney, Halliburton, KBR, etc.
> > 
> > Do you *really* believe that?
> > 
> Of course he does.  The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are just
> profit-making ventures for Cheney.  Nothing more.

Sorry I just can't let this pass....
Justifications for the Iraq war:
Weapons of Mass Destruction ....er no!
Al-qaida links to Saddam Hussein ...er no!
Iraq responsible for 9/11 ... er no!
Bringing democracy and freedom to the Iraqi people .... er no!

Follow the money; who gains?

Military industrial complex (as Eisenhower warned in 1960 ..and he knew
better than most).  How much money are the arms manufacturers making?

Global oil companies (a law is going through the Iraqi puppet government
to carve up the oil, stealing it from the Iraqi people)

Big business - non compete awards of huge government contracts

and last but by no means least big media ... reality TV from Fox media
et al.

Wake up, look beyond Fox News and discover what's really going on in the
world.  It's not that the rest of the world hates America or its people.
Many just abhor how the world has become a much more dangerous place as
a direct result of British and American foreign policy.  I am ashamed of
our government; they failed to listen to their own intelligence agencies
and encouraged the US in its disasterous exploits.  They didn't finish
what they started in Afghanistan before opening yet a second front;
Churchill or Eisenhower would never countenance such a catastrophe.
Neither Bush nor Blair have any miltary experience and it shows; nor do
they have any perspective on history.

The (greedy) lunatics really have taken over the asylum and we're all
paying the price.

I won't follow up on this because I don't think this is the appropriate
forum to conduct such a debate.  I just can't let such naivity pass.



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