Michael M. schrieb:
So what is your default browser? Do you have iceweasel set as the default in any DE you are using, if you are using one? What does update-alternatives report?

Okay, I'm using Gnome and in the preferred applications settings or
whatever it's called in english it says custom with the command to run the application set to "/usr/lib/iceweasel/firefox "%s". When I set it to iceweasel in the dropdown menu and start iceweasel, it gives me the "I'm not your default browser, buhu"-crap again. And when I confirm to let the app set itself as default the etnry in the default app-settings from Gnome are as they were in the beginning.

So apparently everything is fine but iceweasel doesn't detect that the entry it made itself is actually iceweasel as the default rather than some other program. easiest workaround for now would be to just disable the warning in iceweasel, butr the underlying problem wouldn't be solved by that, now would it?

Assuming that you guys don't really now what to do to change this behaviour either, apart from filing a bug report to change the source, I have only one more question: Where should I file this, is it a debian related problem, firefox or Gnome?

Thanks again.

P.S.: I've never used update-alternatives before but couldnt really figure out how to use it in my case from the man page. I did

#update-alternatives --display firefox
#update-alternatives --display /usr/bin/firefox
#update-alternatives --display /usr/bin/firefox
#update-alternatives --display browser

and they all returned no alternatives for $command

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