* Roberto C. Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2007-03-07
> On Wed, Mar 07, 2007 at 10:34:17PM +0530, Masatran, R. Deepak wrote:
> > Background: Installing Debian Testing with DVD 1 on a workstation.
> > 
> > Why not install the following software by default?
> > 
> Because Debian has a very minimal base install.  You can install all of
> these packages yourself.  I will give specific why reasons why they are
> not in the default.
> > 1. Vim
> nano is in the base install and is sufficient
> > 2. Emacs
> > 3. Screen
> not necessary in a base install

Okay, but they ought to be installed atleast when "Desktop Environment" is
selected in Tasksel.

> > 4. SSHD
> bad idea to start network services without the admin asking you to

Okay, install when "File Server" is selected in Tasksel, and ask the admin
whether to enable starting the daemon during package configuration.

> > Why not make the install disk also a live one? Ubuntu does this.
> OK.  So go use Ubuntu.
> Seriously, Ubuntu supports like two or three hardware architectures.
> Debian supports like 13.  A live CD doesn't make sense on all of those
> and probably isn't possible on others.

A live+install disk will be useful mainly for I386 and AMD64, and can be
skipped for the architectures for which it is not appropriate. A
live+install disk will go a long way in popularizing Debian.

Masatran, R. Deepak <http://research.iiit.ac.in/~masatran/>

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