Greg Folkert wrote:
On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 09:52 +0700, Ken Heard wrote:
I would certainly like to see such and identification capability in Iceweasel. What are the possibilities?

That is the one you are looking for.

Thanks for the tip. I tried to access one particular website using the default agent (Mozilla/5) and the MSIE and Netscape options listed, to no avail. I then imported a long list of user agents from bstrange which I found on on of Chris Pederick's fora. I tried using several of the agents that list which looked likely (versions of MSIE and Netscape 7 and later), but the website was still blocked.

Either the one particular site I wanted to access is one which cannot be accessed that way (Chris warns about this possibility), or I don't know how to use the switcher.

The window which opened on that site instead of the login window told me 1) I needed to have the correct date and time, 2) I needed to have Javascript and Accept Cookies enabled, 3) I needed 128 bit enabled, and 4) I should install either MSIE 6 or Netscape 7 from the download centres I gave me for my convenience. I have the first three and don't need the fourth.

So this site seems to do its detection in some other way. Strangely, I can access it with Konqueror which describes itself as Mozilla/5 etc.

                                Ken Heard

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