Joe Hart wrote:
Bob wrote:
8< snip
That's sort of what I'm doing, I do a base install without even going
into the task selector or configuring apt sources
then I vi /etc/apt/sources.list and enter

deb etch main
# deb-src etch main
deb etch/updates main
# deb-src etch/updates main

by hand, (you may be able to guess the IP address of my apt-proxy)
apt-get install debian-archive-keyring
apt-key update
apt-get install ssh
So I can paste the rest into a terminal window from the comfort of my
own desktop.

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade

Get a better kernel depending on architecture
apt-get -s -V install linux-image-2.6-k7

apt-get install screen hdparm smartmontools ntp lm-sensors hddtemp sudo
then I need to edit
/etc/ntp.conf     (my firewall runs ntpd)

# Update the hddtemp.db
mv ./hddtemp.db /etc/
/etc/init.d/hddtemp restart
nc localhost 7634 ; echo

# install X a windowing environment and some tools
apt-get -s -V install xorg xfce4 thunar alsa-utils xfce4-cpugraph-plugin
xfce4-mixer-alsa xfce4-mixer xfce4-weather-plugin
apt-get -s -V install iceweasel icedove gaim gaim-encryption
gaim-irchelper gaim-themes gaim-guifications gaim-extendedprefs
apt-get -s -V install dia dcraw cinepaint inkscape xpdf mplayer

apt-get -s -V install abiword abiword-plugins myspell-en-gb
myspell-en-us libxrender1
libgl1-mesa-dri menu pstoedit imagemagick

then to /etc/sudoers add
ALL ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/xfsm-shutdown-helper

That's as far as I've got, so far, it takes care of most of my everyday
tasks, and because of apt-proxy I can reproduce the install very fast.

I'm sure there'll be more but for the moment it's small, light and works
as well on my Athlon XP 3200s which  a 1GB of ram as it does (with a few
omissions) on my P!!! 667s which have 256MB of ram.  I haven't chosen an
SIP softvideophone yet, I like ekiga but it has so many gnome
dependencies that I'm reluctant to install it.
8< snip
Looks like a fine system you're setting up there, of course, I'm
addicted to KDE, but xfce is a nice light desktop.  Somehow I don't
think you're getting 4.4 that way, but how do I know what version is on
your proxy.  Have you checked out icewm-crystal?

I'm getting whatever version is in the standard Etch repository
The About Xfce 4 windows says
Xfce 4 Desktop Environment
version (Xfce 4.4 RC2)

Just out of curiousities sake, why abiword and openoffice?  I suppose
you like abiword over writer, but need calc and impress and since it's
all bundled....

Precisely, I use a word processor a lot and a spreadsheet rarely so while I love Oo I don't want to have to fire it up every time I need to edit a document.

I just had to install flash, first bit of non-free software on the entire system, I feel all grubby.

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