On Wed, 2007-03-21 at 14:38 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> > After all the claims that Iceweasel=Firefox with just a name change.
> > I never had those problems with Firefox.
> After all the problems I have been having with IceWeasel, I have started
> using Konqeror more and more.  Unfortunately, some web sites don't work
> so well with it.  Then again, some don't work for anything but IE.
> I just saw that Mozilla just released for a security patch.  I
> wonder how long before we'll get Iceweasel
> Hopefully the transition is complete enough that we won't run into
> things like losing our profiles or having 2 tabs open when we click on
> something.  These issues are fixed in iceweasel_2.0.0.2+dfsg-3; I'm
> curious as to what iceweasel_2.0.0.3+dfsg-1 will bring us.

I would guess those were problems related to the switch from Firefox 1.5
to 2.0 and general packaging issues in Debian, nothing related to the
name change.

If one is running testing/unstable, bugs should be expected. Reading
changelogs, scanning the bts and filing bug reports also.

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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