On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 02:46:22AM -0400, A. Ben Hmeda wrote:

[snipped ridiculous flamage]

> At Ubuntu forums, I found at least 8 different threads around the same 
> subject (Slow Ubuntu) spanning about 3 versions of the distro. Did the 
> same on Google. All suggestions were pretty much the 
> same:disable/blacklist ipv6, which I have. What do you think the answer 
> would have been if I had asked the same question again? Probably 
> something along the lines of "This question has already been answered a 
> million times, why don't you search...etc." or "Disable ipv6". I asked 

[more flamage]

jumping in here because this caught my eye. There was a thread here
just a couple weeks ago -- someone was having similar trouble with
ipv6 and konquerer (I think). I'm not going to dig into the archives,
but it might be a lead for you. good luck.


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