On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 15:07, Andrew Perrin wrote:
> My office machine will be replaced next month. I'd like to make the new
> machine be pretty much like the old one. Given that I can't actually move
> the primary hard drive over, what's the best way to get the package list
> straight? Should I back up all of /etc, do a basic net install, then do an
> apt-get update; apt-get upgrade?

backup /etc, /home, /boot and perhaps some parts of /var

dpkg --get-selections >> packages

and on the new machine

cat packages | dpkg --set-selections
dselect update
dselect install

restore /etc, /home, /boot and any parts of /var

I might have missed bits but this should be the general procedure.



Shri Shrikumar       U R Byte Solutions           Tel:   0845 644 4745
I.T. Consultant      Edinburgh, Scotland          Mob:   0773 980 3499
                     Web: www.urbyte.com          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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