On Sun, Apr 01, 2007 at 09:11:20PM +0100, Peter Ellison wrote:
> Andrei Popescu wrote:
> >Peter Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>The GUI I referred to is gnome, desktop, preferences, screen
> >>resolution. Took your advise and attempted to reconfig by running
> >>dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg outside of the desktop environment
> >>(ctrl alt F1). It stalled at the second screen but I managed to
> >>escape out (3 attempts).
> >
> >What do you mean by stalled? Anyway, you have to restart Xorg for any
> >changes to be applied, so it might help if you do it with Xorg shut
> >down. If that doesn't work you can still edit xorg.conf by hand or run
> >'dexconf' to generate a new (and hopefully better) one.
> >dpkg-reconfigure is generally better for upgrades, especially with a
> >standard setup like yours.
> > 
> >From your xorg.conf: 
> >
> >>Section "Device"
> >>    Identifier      "Generic Video Card"
> >>    Driver          "vesa"
> >                         ^^^^
> >This is not a problem, but "nv" might be better.
> >
> >>    BusID           "PCI:1:5:0"
> >You don't need to specify this, it will be autodetected. You can just
> >comment it out or leave blank when prompted by debconf.
> >
> >>EndSection
> >>
> >>Section "Monitor"
> >>    Identifier      "Generic Monitor"
> >>    Option          "DPMS"
> >>    HorizSync       28-64
> >>    VertRefresh     43-60
> >                           ^^
> >This looks like your problem. You already have the correct values to
> >put here ;)
> >
> >Regards,
> >Andrei
>   Thanks problems sorted, its very re-assuring to know that newbies 
> like me can get such speedy help. :)
What you didn't know is that you will be getting a bill with the special
'newbie' double-rate speedy charge soon in your inbox :-) Hehehe.

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