Jude DaShiell:
> I'm trying to get getmail to work and am needing to have the incoming 
> e-mail filtered through clamscan which last night had clamscan throw 
> several errors one aout executing root commands.  All I want to do with 
> the filtering is have clamscan inspect incoming messages and have it 
> dispose of messages with malware in them before those end up in my Mboxrd 
> file.  Unless I'm using the wrong supplied example the clamscan stuff may 
> not work.

type = Filter_classifier
path = /usr/bin/clamdscan
arguments = ("--stdout", "--no-summary", "-")
exitcodes_drop = (1, )

Works for me. I have ClamAV running as a daemon, though.

I like my Toyota RAV4 because of the commanding view of the traffic
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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