Am 2007-03-27 10:07:39, schrieb Dan H.: > But at the same time Debian offers the "testing" and "unstable" distros, > both of which are perfectly fine for the desktop user. There's no need > to cling to stable unless you're running a server that must be 100% > reliable.
Right! > And if you must have 100% reliability, and you must use testing for > whatever reason, you can check the BTS to see which packages are holding > up the transition to stable. Chances are pretty good that you don't even > want any of those on your system, so you can go ahead and use testing > without a single RC bug. Not realy right. I was runing three very HUGE PostgreSQL 7.4 databases of each 560 GByte running on Sarge for years... Now I was hit by a grave performance problem and considered to upgrade to Etch. This was for some month! I have checked the outstanding RC bugs from Testing/Etch and considered, that there are not RC bugs/packages for my PostgreSQL servers and installed. Including PostgreSQL 8.1. Since I need PostgreSQL 8.2 (because table partitioning) which is NOT EVEN in Unstable/Sid I had to pack it my own! -- With success and without problems! -- Now it runs since some weeks without any errors. I hope, it will enter Unstable/Sid very fast, since it is realy annoying to package new versions nearly each week for me alone! In summary, since Etch will be released wehen it is ready, - sorry, soon, I can consider Etch as STABLE FOR ME. > I don't know what all these complaints are about. I had been running > stable on my desktop up to January, but then I got too impatient about > etch and just went ahead and installed it. It's been running hitch-free > since (except for some rare, inexplicable 100%-crashes which seem to > have gone away as I keep upgrading kernels). Since I need an 100% availlable Office-Workststion I run Stable/Sarge. For me, there is not a singel need to run the last release of a software, with some realy MINOR exceptions. (PostgreSQL-client and some related libs) My dedicated Devel-Station (Dual-Opteron) is running all 4 releases and is another thing. Same for my dedicated Multimedia-Station which run definitivly the latest Versions and many in Debian non-availlable software... where I have my own Debian-Packages (not realy for Debian, -- SINCE THEY WORK FOR ME!) Thanks, Greetings and nice Day Michelle Konzack Systemadministrator Tamay Dogan Network Debian GNU/Linux Consultant -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##################### Michelle Konzack Apt. 917 ICQ #328449886 50, rue de Soultz MSN LinuxMichi 0033/6/61925193 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (
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