On Thursday, 12.04.2007 at 14:13 -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:

> [bug report]

If I may quote further from your report:

> - aptitude update (etch sources)
> - aptitude upgrade
> - see lots of warnings

This was your first sign of trouble.  And, given that you were not fully
committed to an upgrade at that point, it would probably have been
better if you'd stopped there - and reported the errors/warnings you

Given that you had trouble after what is a very simple operation,
something fundamental must be wrong.  Perhaps your previous downgrade
from Sid to Sarge wasn't quite right, even though your system appeared
to be operating fine.

Any subsequent problems may well be as a result of that first problem.

Are you *certain* your /etc/apt/sources.list were correct?

What were the *actual* warnings (where you state "lots of warnings")?


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