Great! Seems to be working



Michael Heironimus wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 01:24:45AM +0100, Piers Kittel wrote:
>>Bascially, I've got 2 computers, one which is my main PC (named desire),
>>and the other is a server (named destiny).  I'd like the server to
>>backup the /home/piers directory from the main PC.  The server is
>>accessing the main PC by NFS and desire:/home is moutned on
>>destiny:/home/desire.  I've put in the following line in the crontab
>>file on destiny:
>>00 4 * * 0 root rm -f /home/desirebackup/home_backup.tar; tar cf
>>/home/desirebackup/home_backup.tar /home/desire/piers
>>but when I tested out the "tar cf /home/desirebackup/home_backup.tar
>>/home/desire/piers" I get a lot of "Permissions denied" errors although
>>some files are read OK. (An example is "tar: /home/desire/piers/.mcoprc:
>>Read error at byte 0, reading 31 byes: Permission denied")
> It looks like you're using root to run your backup. Normally root is
> remapped to nobody ("root squashing") on NFS mounts for security
> reasons, so root won't have permission to read files that aren't
> world-readable. In the /etc/exports file on the server you can add the
> no_root_squash option to allow root access on an exported filesystem.
> See the man page on exports for details.

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