On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 07:34:42PM +0100, Steven Maddox (Architect) wrote:
> Celejar wrote...
> -----------
> For LAMP, just (get) ... 'apache', 'php', 'libapache2-mod-perl2',
> '...-mod-php4', and '...-mod-python'. There are a ton of packages, and
> only you can know which ones you need.
> ------------
> Well I don't know which ones I need! and knowing me if I just start 
> randomly apt-getting all sorts I'll bollox it up!
You have to determine what your needs are. Are you going to program in
php, python or perl? Or more importantly, are you going to use a web
application that needs mod_perl, mod_php or similar? Once you know this,
then you can install the correct packages.> 
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