On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 16:57 +0100, Steven Maddox (Architect) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Angry mob here (if I was more than one person)... It's very nice of you 
> to lecture me on what is LAMP and all the different packages that theres 
> are - but I already 'get' all of that!
> What I am after is recommendations on how to go about it, someone did 
> post a tutorial which was nice - however it is from the pespective of 
> installing Debian a fresh, which I can't use!
> Also very little of you seem to have seen that I was after 
> recommendations for open source control panels too... I have however 
> made a short list of them here.
> VishwaKarma - http://kandalaya.org/vishwakarma.shtml
> Webmin - http://www.webmin.com
> H-Sphere - http://www.psoft.net
> SysCP - http://www.syscp.org
> AlternC - http://www.alternc.org
> Web-cp - http://www.web-cp.net
> Ravencore - http://www.ravencore.com
> ISPConfig  - http://sourceforge.net/projects/ispconfig
> DTC  - http://www.gplhost.com/software-dtc.html
> ZPanel - http://www.thezpanel.com
> ASM : http://www.acctmgr.com
> Of course if any of these are in the debian repo's then I would assume 
> they also have dependencies attached insuring all the extra packages 
> they need (like the LAMP related packages) are installed too... which 
> would be handy.
> Thoughts!

Okay... STOP! Hammertime!

You want and ISP/vhosting setup... here I wrote this as a response to
your other request. 

You should also look at: http://www.gnupanel.org/

The responses you got from other people were because you were not asking
the question you though you were. You want a hosting control panel that
supports various resellers and straight customers, for using a "LAMP"
stack as well as other features.

You see you never really asked... What machine "control panel"
application do you use to help in doing reselling or standard LAMP based

You could have included examples like cPanel and their ilk, as that
would have brought our vision of your question into a different light
and would have given you much more info on what you were looking for.

Oh, well. the following is included for you read benefit... but not
really needed.

---included prior response---
I want you to understand, that installing LAMP is just like installing
ANY OTHER SET OF PACKAGES. LAMP is just an acronym.

If you want the *L* out of LAMP, as you've requested, you will get a set
of instructions about howto install Linux FIRST! So, you should really
only blame yourself, since you've already already taken care of that, by
installing Debian Linux.

The A out of LAMP is the proverbial Apache webserver. Fine lets have a
look at that part a moment. Apache is a well known, well vetted and
excellent choice for a webserver. There are however other webservers
that may and can easily do the trick. Lets take a gander at what
non-small-niche webservers are available in Debian:

        Apache v1.3 and v2.2
        AOL server
        Tomcat v5.5
        Zope v2.9, v2.10, v3

Pretty much any of these can provide you with the "A" or generalized as
the webserver part of the LAMP stack. There are many methods to
installing and configuring your webserver, which includes those 7 and
more. First you really need to read up on the webservers. Be warned,
some of those webservers are written in the proverbial *P* part of Lamp,
generalizing again as a scripting language, more on that in a bit.

Now, that we have looked at both the *L* and *A* parts of the LAMP
stack, and actually expanding on them, we come to the M part of the LAMP
stack. The M part actually (originally) stands for MySQL. But once
again, I'll generalize this and make it the "DB" that drives a typical
website. A DB can be anything from flat text files to large commercial
DBs (such as Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL). Now, understand that most websites
are typically integrated with one of 2 popular DBs out there; MySQL and
PostgresQL. This id Debian after all, no need to limit yourself to those
two. Let us look at the packaged DBs in Debian:

        Firebird v1.5, v2.0
        MySQL v4.1, v5.0, v5.1
        PostgresQL v7.4, v8.1, v8.2

Each one of those has benefits and features, but also limitations of
various sorts. But pretty much any of those can provide you with the *M*
portion of the LAMP stack. Each has its own configuration tweaks and
performance gains and specific programmatic requirements. Some support
SQL standards some don't. Some do stored procedures, others don't. Some
are supported by content management systems, others aren't. Understand
you have to understand what YOU want to do. If you don;t have a plan...
there is no magic bullet. But, now we get to the last part...

We have looked at the L-A-M parts of the LAMP stack. Now the hardest
part. The scripting language, there are so many options it is scary.
There is the obvious ones of course, but many other ones exist and od an
outstanding job. Lets look at the majors:

        CGI (or shell)

Once again, here there are significant benefits and problems with each.
Each has its strong points, each has downfalls. Even further into the
picture, each one of these languages has multiple frameworks to which
you could develop in. Python for instance has CherryPy, Django, Zope to
name three. Java has so many, its not even worth listing. Perl has about
eleventy-Ba-Million modules, PHP has as many and the same number of
packages. Each language also has to be looked at with the previous DB
support. Some frameworks don't have very good DB support for things
outside of MySQL or PostgresQL. Some frameworks do abstracting of the DB
support so that anything works (see Django).

To summarize, basically you are asking for us to determine what you
want. Sorry, but we aren't capable to reading your mind. Nor are we able
to give you a magic bullet to making something work. You have to know
what you want, understand the benefits and penalties to what your
choices give you. I have given you some info to go and research and chew
on. Please understand that there is no "universal" LAMP product and it
depends on what you are going to do and how you want to do it.


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