On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 09:36:48PM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> Do a "locate WindowMaker"  .. that's the name of the main config file
> .. case-sensitive .. If you don't have updatedb set up as yet .. you
> could do a "find / name WindowMaker -print".

Should be -name (notice the dash).  This is what I found:


However, now that I have fixed the keyboard bindings by hand, I am not
sure if they are new additions or if there was something else there

> It's a good idea to know where you config file live.

> Try to locate wmaker's config files and copy them to a backup
> directory.  One of the rare weaknesses I have found with wmaker is a
> marked propensity to wipe their contents.  
> But then after losing them a few times and recreating them by hand --
> twenty desktops .. 50+ dockapps .. nice bloated config .. now that I
> have a backup, it hasn't happened again.
> Go figure  :-)
I had a problem with that some years ago.  The state would get corrupted
and cause a segfault whenever WindowMaker restarted.


Roberto C. Sánchez

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