Hello Tom,

Am 2007-04-08 10:57:02, schrieb Tom Allison:
> Interestingly I can't find any differences in the packages.
> For example: postgresql is still 7.4 in stable and 8.1 in testing.
> I would have expected the testing branch to have cascaded down to stable 
> with the 4.0 release.
> Are things not up to date?

It was realy weird here too...

I was installing postgresql and gotten 7.5 (=7.4) installed instead of
8.1.  I had manualy install 8.1 WHICH WORKS PARALLEL TO 7.5/4 (!!!)
with the exception you need to change the port number...

Unfortunatly Etch does not support 8.2 which I need for my very huge
Database (reaching 1 TByte in some month) because the table partitioning.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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