On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 09:00:32PM -0500, Reid Priedhorsky wrote:
> I should clarify what I mean by "cheap": less than $20 or $30 is my goal.
> So, I'll do some trolling around eBay.
Geeks.com have some cheapie players, here's one for $26 which says it
works with linux:


Disclaimer: I have no experience with this particular unit, but i have
purchased other cheap players at geeks.com in the past which were OK.


Dave Thayer           | Whenever you read a good book, it's like the 
Denver, Colorado USA  | author is right there, in the room talking to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | you, which is why I don't like to read 
                      | good books. - Jack Handey "Deep Thoughts"

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