Here goes this term "package breakage" again. Do you know what it is and how it arises? Most of the time, dist-upgrade just decides to install a couple of extra packages. But some other times... I just never figured out what makes the difference and what the possible problems and solutions are. I just pray and try my best...

Packages can break your system for a number of reasons;

-- Bad package which dies during upgrade, unlikely with Stable but not impossible, that leaves the system in an inconstant state. -- Apt/Dpkg depend on Perl a fair bit and it's not uncommon for perl to zombie out during a big apt run, lock a bunch of files and leave you with a system that's in a pretty broken state and is difficult to repair.
... etcetera.

Basically, I wouldn't wish manually repairing 100 broken boxes on anyone. I gave a possible solution to your problem yesterday but by the look of it my mail didn't get to the list... So.. apt-get has a simulate option, I'd run an upgrade in simulate mode automatically, get the logs emailed to some dump account and check over things... Then, you send a signal to all the machines that they can run a real upgrade, maybe using a little webserver and curl. You could even automagically push out updates to the sources.list, which would be handy in my opinion.

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