On Sun, Apr 22, 2007 at 00:42:45 -0400, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
>Say I am running Etch and my /etc/apt/sources.list contains only
>entries related to Stable. Using command line interface, What is the
>efficient way to obtain information about versions of a package
>currently available in testing, unstable, experimental?
>Currently, I go to http://packages.debian.org/packagename to get the
>necessary information. But I am looking for a command line alternative.
>apt-show-versions -a does not seem to work in this case since all my
>entries in sources.list only point only to stable. I do not want to add
>testing/unstable entries in sources.list as I would like to track only
>Etch and nothing else on this machine.
>reportbug seem to be doing this some how. For example if I try to
>report a bug in stable's package, it tells me the version numbers
>available in testing/unstable. I am looking for something like this.
>Any ideas?

Add the entries for testing/unstable to /etc/apt/sources.list.  Their
presence doesn't mean that you'll automatically upgrade to use them (it
might be prudent to add APT::Default-Release "stable"; to
/etc/apt/apt.conf first though).


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)

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