Joe Hart wrote, in part:

locale doesn't seem to have an effect for Icedove.  My system date today
is 25/04/2007, but Icedove shows it as 4/25/2007, which tells me that
because I use a US English version of IceDove, it uses it's own settings.

My experience exactly: that IceDove uses its own settings -- the reason why I posted to the list on the subject.

Frankly I am beginning to get a bit tired of IceDove, and will most
likely be searching for a new MUA.  Mutt is looking more and more
attractive, although Kmail is a strong contender.

I am beginning to think the same way, especially if I can import all my IceDove files to either Mutt or Kmail. I may even abandon IceWeasel for Konqueror.

                                Ken Heard

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