On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 21:45 +0100, Neil Sumner wrote:
[snip a lot of aggressive accusations and ranting about UBUNTU]
> It looks to me that if I do not ask you directly, I may be waiting
> forever :) 

Nothing like being confrontational right from the get go. It is the
single most asinine thing new joinees to a mailing list do.

It appears you are complaing about Ubuntu. Six months this, six months

This is the Debian User Mailing List. It is not the "Taking abusive
threats and rants from accusatory and complaining new Ubuntu users"

If you must begin with confrontation, you will get nothing but
confrontation. If you learn to ask smarter questions with less ANGER and
RANTING, it will get you MUCH farther.

Until you can bring yourself to ask nicely, with out insinuations,
threats and insults, I doubt many will help you *ANYWHERE*.

Go back to your Windows, until you run out of money or time or BOTH, and
can no longer afford to be raped every time some thing goes wrong.

When you see the meaning of what I am talking (typing) about, you can
always come back and be a bit more courteous.

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