> On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 12:06 +0200, Jochen Schulz wrote: 
>> michael:
>>> httpd (no pid file) not running
>>> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified
>>> domain name, using for ServerName
>>> (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
>> This means that some program is already listening on localhost:80. It
>> may be a stale apache process which you could just kill or it is another
>> webserver you have installed previously. In any case, you can set up
>> apache to listen on a port other than 80 to mitigate this problem.
>> J.
> Jochen, thanks for that. Using port 81 and it works (still need to sort
> out ServerName but not sure what the 'httpd not running relates to?)

If you are telling Apache to restart, it will try to stop older
processes first. If it cannot find any, it will issue this warning.
Shouldn't bother you unless you know apache has been running before.

> Not shown: 1677 closed ports
> 9/tcp   open  discard?
> 13/tcp  open  daytime

You can disable these by editing /etc/inetd.conf (or xinetd.conf, don't
know which one is the default nowadays).

> 80/tcp  open  tcpwrapped

May be inetd, but that's just a guess.

You can run 'netstat -tlpn' as root to find out which process is
listening on that socket.

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