Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Well, I only attended on US college, but Santa Clara U always had a
>> UNIX lab.
> That is, after all, where SCO comes from...  :)

Santa Clara is not Santa Cruz. 

>>       Used to be HP-UX, now it's Solaris.  Actually, the engineering
>> lab has three systems, Solaris, Linux and Windows.
> The engineering lab at a big University only has 3 computers?

Systems talk about types.  The engineering lab is basically three labs
with 20 odd computers, each sublab runs a particular OS (Solaris, Linux
or Windows).  Actually, the Solaris lab probably has closer to 40 or 50
computers.  And SCU isn't that big.

John L. Fjellstad
web:          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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