On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 02:08:40PM -0400, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> Redefined Horizons wrote:
> > http://debforsmallbiz.blogspot.com/
> > 
> Great idea! I have always wondered about using Debian in actual business
> environments. Thanks for posting it here.
> > I've started a blog about using Debian Linux to manage the daily
> > operations of a really small business. I hope to run the business with
> > only open source software, with Debian as my operating system.
> > 
> I am not sure I agree here. Running business with only open source software?
> It might be possible, but at some point or another you have to use some
> non-free stuff. For example your customers insist upon some proprietary
> software. Would you go about advocating free software to this guy and risk
> loosing him or yield to his requests and use proprietary software? I would
> say just keep an open mind.

There are a lot of businesses that can be run on free software
alone. I am doing it right now (disclaimer, I am running a proprietary
point-of-sale system, but I certainly don't *have* to. I could easily
use a cash register instead). I use only debian for all business
related things: books kept in gnucash, spreadsheets in Openoffice or
gnumeric depending, menus and glyers produced with inkscape or
scribus, etc etc etc. 

I applaud the OP and wish him/her luck!


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