Andreas Janssen wrote:
somethin2cool (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) wrote:

even though i'm not running anything.

in processes task manager says i'm using a total of 25mb, inc

in resources, it says 204. given the sluggishness of the totally
minimal system i believe the later.

however, even if i was to open every gui ap, it shouldn't use that

what's wrong with it? why is it using up my ram?

atm, just ruunning xfce takes 200mb. nothing stupid is installed, the
whole point was for a fast system

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ free -m
          total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        504        497          7          0         28        211
-/+ buffers/cache:     256        247
Swap:      1023        134        889

That means: 504 mbytes of RAM are used, but this includes 211 mbytes
that are used for file caching. The cache size will decrease when
applications need the RAM. The second line shows you how much RAM is
used without the cache. Also take a look at top or htop.

        Andreas Janssen

I see. That does make sense, but lets say I have 2 instances of mousepad, 2 thunars, and 2 catfishes, then it takes over a minute to start seamonkey, 4 seconds to start terminal. This doesn't sound like anything is manageing the ram.

stats: celeron 1.3, 256ddr2 ram, 4gb /

now, yesterday i could have all this stuff open and everything would still fly (as it should). since then i have installed a few things (catfish, avg, ntfs-3g, deluge, gqview, xpdf, linuxdcpp, avidemux - all with the excellent aptitude). I wouldn't have thought I should see any difference in performance. I don't have a swap partition, which i know is bad, but this is a learning exercise for now, not a production environment. (and it was awesome yesterday without a swap)

top seems very interesting, and htop will be my new task manager :-) but everything they show is fine:

I'd paste the outputs, but they wont let me copy and apparently my terminal can't export to file (ie log). nothing interesting reported there anyway.

and yet having just turned it on, i'm looking at 272mb used, with just seamonkey and htop running.

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