On Sun, Apr 29, 2007 at 09:06:14PM +0100, somethin2cool wrote:
> No (for goodness sake, you people are supposed to be smart), I asked 
> what I wanted to know. I can start the program fine. Hence having been 
> using it for the last few days? 

Your original post:

> not using Gnome or KDE, I seem to be mising some basic features
>(like search). One of these is the ability to make links to files. I want
>to make a link to seamoney, which has not registered as a browser, nor
>has it registered a command. Thus putting a symlink to seamonkey in bin
>ought to suffice until I learn more.

you wrote "... which has not registeres as a browser, nor has it
registered a command..." which implies that the program is not working
properly. But that is an assumption so we'll move on.

Then you wrote:

>Typing seamonkey in terminal does nothing:
>bash: seamonkey: command not found

which really implies that you're having trouble launching the
program. The reasons for this are varied from something like: maybe
the program is not installed; to somthing like: maybe the executable
is not in your $PATH. 

however, your original post mentions putting a symlink in /bin, so
we've got a kind of confusing situation here as you generally don't
make a symlink without a target (yes I know, you can do it, and its
great for automount etc...). I suspect (though its only a guess and
since I'm not smart, its likely to be wrong) that the actual problem
here is:  

"I've installed seamonkey from upstream/source and it is not properly
showing up in the alternatives system or being recognised by my DE as an
installed and viable alternative browser. How would I go about making
this work?"

to which you would get a number of informed and intelligent
replies. Now, is a symlink part of the solution? probably, one way to
do it. This looks to me like a classic example of asking for the
solution by proposing a solution instead of stating the problem. Its
common around here. 

Maybe you should try more clearly stating the actual problem you are
facing, as its still not really clear. It could be, for example, that
the seamonkey issue is just one of several relating to the lack of a
"make link here" type option on a right click in xfce. Remember that
xfce is a lightweight DE. That means some features that the devs of
xfce consider to be extraneous are left out to help the DE be more

> This group is more annoying than helpful.

then, please, go somewhere else. 


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