pizzapie_linuxanchovies wrote:

I was following a tutorial ( for compiling a custom kernel, and got to the stage where it said to run this: "fakeroot make-kpkg clean"

However, this command generated a bunch of errors saying this:
dpkg-architecture: failure: dpkg --print-installation-architecture filed: Permission denied

Now it's easy enough to see that only root has execute permission for dpkg on my machine. I guess I'm just wondering what a "reasonable way" to fix this problem is in Debian:

1. Create a new group for people allowed to run dpkg?
2. Run the command as "sudo fakeroot make-kpkg clean"? (sort of makes the whole fakeroot thing redundant?)
3. Something else?

The list ethicist is going to get me for this but I always compile my kernels logged in as root. Never gives problems.

So if you just now got the "source ball" then there is no need to run:
make-kpkg clean
because there are no drivers as of yet compiled at all, so nothing to clean. You do that if you run the compile a second time and changed loadable modules.
Just go on with
make-kpkg --append-to-version=.030320 kernel_image

But what is the reason this is not:
make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=.030320 kernel_image
to also generate the initrd?

What did you change in the make menuconfig? Or how did you change the config?

I just changed:
1. Processor type and features -> Paravirtualization support (EXPERIMENTAL) OFF
2. Processor type and features -> Timer frequency (1000 HZ)
3. Processor type and features -> Preemption Model (Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop)) 4. Device Drivers -> Graphics support -> Logo configuration -> Bootup logo ON
5. Kernel hacking -> Show timing information on printks ON

And the reasons:
1. This eliminates problems with nvidia drivers, which won't compile without this change on some architectures.
2. Makes the system more responsive
3. Makes the system more responsive
4. Gives me the duck at boot time ;-)
5. Shows kernel timing info.

Let us know how you make out!


Please someone who rolls their own kernel give me an idea about this?


P.S. I'm still using the venerable Sarge release.

That should make no diff. (TM) I think.

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