On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 04:27:47PM -0400, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> When I print a file (test file has only 4 characters), 
> CUPS does not print.
> However, whenever I reboot, CUPS will print all jobs,
> clearing the CUPS job queue.
> I can repeat this by creating new print jobs.
> Printing worked fine before our Microsoft administrators decided to
--------------------------------- ^^^^^^^^^

well, *there's* yer problem.... sheesh...

 change all printers from standard internet IP's (199.129.207.*) 
> to reserved addresses (10.55.1.*).
> I changed my computers IP address and the printers' IP addresses.
> Indeed, I eventually removed all printing packages and reinstalled them.
> It's possible our administrators also added filters, 
> but I get the following nmap results
>    21/tcp   open  ftp
>    23/tcp   open  telnet
>    80/tcp   open  http
>    280/tcp  open  http-mgmt
>    443/tcp  open  https
>    515/tcp  open  printer
>    631/tcp  open  ipp
>    9100/tcp open  jetdirect
> So the ports appear to be open,
> and besides, Debian is printing when it reboots.
> I run Debian version
>    4.0
> with the following two packages installed
>    cupsys  1.2.7-4
>    cupsys-driver-gutenprint  5.0.0-3  
> and no *foomatic* packages.
> Any ideas, so I needn't reboot to print?

well. first. have you tried restarting cups as an alternative to

/etc/init.d/cupsys restart

this would tell us whether to look at cups or at some other part of
the system.


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