ASUS P5W DH DeLuxe mainboard
Gainward Bliss 7300LE graphics card
Debian Testing (up to date) with kernel and Xorg

This is in two parts.

1. Using the Xorg nv driver the display is, in general use, perfectly acceptable but when restoring the screen after the screensaver has blanked it or switching back from a text console to the X display I sometimes get a very peculiar effect.

It is almost as if parts of the display appear as a negative - white
becomes black, yellow becomes blue etc. Any text appears very broken to
the point that it is illegible. This only affects parts of some areas of colours i.e. an area of yellow will appear blue in the top half but yellow in the bottom half but another area of white will appear black all over. Have you ever seen a little Tux with green feet?

If I then switch to a text console and then back to the X display it
nearly always rights itself although sometimes two or more switches are

It cannot be produced on demand. Switching consoles sometimes has no
detrimental effect. I did, once, save the screen to a graphic image to try and demonstrate the effect but when viewed the screen in the image looked perfectly normal!!!


2. After the above problems wouldn't go away I installed the nVidia driver from the nVidia web site.

To date, I have no problems under X. However when I boot the machine (I have vga=extended in my lilo.conf) the console display is fine until the nvidia driver is loaded. If I then switch back to any text console every line is displayed one and a half times, which is very difficult to read, and, with a screen full of text, the prompt is off the bottom of the screen.

Reverting to vga=normal and re-running lilo cures the problem but I would prefer to keep vga=extended.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions regarding the above? I would really appreciate some help on this.

Barry Samuels
The Unofficial Guide to Great Britain

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