On 5/23/07, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dusty Wilson wrote in Article
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted > > I have data that was exported from MySQL Query 
Browser to what appears
> to be an OpenXML-formatted Excel document. I can't seem to get
> OpenOffice.org to open it. Do you guys know how to go about opening
> this document?

Might try saving it in the traditional Excel format and see if OpenOffice
can open that.  Contrary to the name, OpenXML is not open.  Nobody but
Microsoft supports it, and only in recent versions of MS Office.

The real problem is that I have files already stored in this
non-binary format and I can't open them.  I didn't see a way to export
from MySQL Query Browser to Excel in any other format, but I could be
wrong.  But really, that's not the issue.  I just wanted to be able to
open these (or any other) files that are formatted in this format.

Regarding OpenXML's openness, it seems like it should be easier for us
to develop for since we don't (or shouldn't at least!) have to
reverse-engineer it.  I'm hoping someone is working to get code into
upstream OOo so we can start reading those files.  I refuse to install
Novell's "special" version of OOo, so unless there is a nice way to go
about reading these files, I'll just do without.


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